Saturday, December 24, 2011

Consequences and advantages of converting front wheel drive into awd?

lets jus foget the expensive part 4 now. i just wanna knw how the engine performance will be, if any increase in performance is expected or will their be a loss in power...???|||Well, it'll have better throttle response off the line- an AWD vehicle will waste everything else at the strip- That's why WRX's and some Evo's are AWD... On the down side-fairly dramatic decrease in MPG's, and since it was front-wheel-drive before there won't be much of a change in steering, but you will have to worry about the rear end coming loose on those corners more...|||You will gain handling and traction... But it takes engine power to deliver that handling and traction to the new set of wheels. You will NOT end up with an STI or EVO if that's what you're thinking... It takes many more moving parts, suspension and engineering to make a well working awd vehicle, which is why they cost more from the dealership. You will likely end up with an underpowered car that sucks more gas than before, but can drive through snow a little better.

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