Friday, December 16, 2011

I can't get my 1995 Jeep Grand Cherokee Laredo to go into 4-low... any advice on how to do it?

It goes into 4-wheel part time easily. But when I try to put it into 4-low it is extremely difficult to pull the lever down, and if I do succeed in getting it down it makes a terrible grinding sound. Do I need to be in gear? or moving? or in neural first? I have very little experince with cars, please help!!!|||You will first need to put your vehicle into neutral before engaging 4L (shift into neutral while moving 2-3 mph, not while vehicle is stationary or you could cause damage to the transfer case). If you haven't used the 4L before or in a while, it may grind a little, but will eventually stop. Also, you may need to use some gear oil to lubricate it. Also remember that 4L is designated for temporary use off pavement. If used on paved roads, you will cause stress and possible damage to components, as well as make shifting difficult.|||First, the way to place the transfer case in a jeep in low range is to have the jeep moving 2-3mph, place transmission in neutral and move transfer case lever firmly and quickly from 2WD through 4Hi, neutral and into 4Lo, then place the transmission back into the desired gear.|||put it in neutral first and then sharply pull back the lever

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